About Us
What is Chekkolate?
Chekkolate is a holistic product-focused pet food and wellness center company. Established in 2012

Our Story
Currently, dog food is effectively developed on a global scale using a holistic approach. High-quality ingredients, including organic fruits and vegetables and meats (chicken, lamb, fish, etc.), have been carefully chosen.
With little use of artificial coloring, flavoring, or chemical preservatives,
the production process aims to retain the greatest possible quality.

Those high-quality pet foods were not well-known in Thailand at the time. Not only have high cost costs contributed, but propaganda has also led to the misrepresentation of dog food among the majority,
if not all, of genuine dog enthusiasts.
Even now, they are unable to provide their cherished dogs
with the greatest nourishment.
The Chekkolate Company was established with the mission of carefully choosing high-quality pet food and accessories
from reputable suppliers with scientific data.

We brought in samples of the holistic dog food from
the United States in 2013 for testing.
Those samples that were chosen have produced numerous
favorable findings when compared to the average grade.
Dogs appear to have good bodies with shiny coats,
no mushy stools with strong odors, and good body structure.
We really like Timberwolf Organics Platinum the most.
The "Whole Dog Journal" awarded all of these items an A+ grade in 2006,
the best rating possible. It should come as no surprise that the Timberwolf,
our debut product, has been chosen as the official agency
in Thailand's product champion.
Follow by Real Power Holistic,One of Asia's top functional diets.
“ Chekkolate Pet Foods,
bring the highest quality foods for your pets. ”

Vision & Mission
We dedicate for our quality and trust worthy company.
We are committed to honesty,
integrity dedicate for trust in quality by all customers.
We sincerely believe that
“You can be confidence to find your best products
available for your best companions.”